Treatment videos

Crown Prep with Core Buildup

This video shows you how a dentist adds structure to a damaged tooth, so it can be successfully crowned and preserved.

Veneers (CAD/CAM)

This video shows you how veneers are used to improve the appearance of a smile, using CAD/CAM 3-D technology to create custom-made restorations.

Veneers (Impression)

This video shows you how veneers are used to improve the appearance of a smile, using traditional dental impressions to create custom-made restorations.

Bridge (Anterior – CAD/CAM)

This video shows you how a bridge replaces a missing front tooth using CAD/CAM 3-D technology.

Bridge (Anterior – Impression)

This video shows you how a bridge replaces a missing tooth, using traditional dental impressions to create a custom-made restoration.

Bridge (CAD/CAM)

This video shows you how a bridge replaces a missing tooth using CAD/CAM 3-D technology to create a custom-made restoration.

Removable Complete Dentures

This video shows you how removable dentures can replace your missing teeth, while mimicking their natural appearance and restoring their overall function.

Removable Partial Dentures

This video shows you how removable partial dentures can replace missing teeth and improve the overall function and appearance of your mouth.

Composite Filling (Anterior)

This video shows you how a composite filling can be used to restore a damaged front tooth to its natural strength and appearance.

Composite Filling (Posterior)

This video shows you how a composite filling restores a damaged or decayed tooth to its natural strength and appearance.

Composite Versus Amalgam Filling

This video shows you the benefits and differences between composite and amalgam fillings to repair a cavity.

Whitening with Bleaching Tray

This video shows you how the appearance of your teeth can be improved using custom-made trays and whitening gel applied by your doctor.

Treating Periodontitis with Free Gingival Graft


This video shows you the symptoms and health consequences of untreated gum infection.

Free Gingival Graft

This video shows you one method of tissue grafting that can stop receding gums and return them to a healthy condition and appearance.

Treating Periodontitis with Connective Tissue Graft


This video shows you the symptoms and health consequences of untreated gum infection.

Connective Tissue Graft

This video shows you one method of tissue grafting that can stop receding gums and return them to a healthy condition and appearance.

Treatment Options for Restoring a Decayed Tooth

Progression of Decay

This video shows you how plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth can progress and ultimately cause decay that places the tooth at risk if left untreated.

Filling Versus Crown (Impression)

This video shows you the differences between a filling and a crown to repair a decayed or damaged tooth, while reviewing benefits and potential drawbacks of each.

Filling Material Options for Repairing Tooth Decay

Progression of Decay

This video shows you how plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth can progress and ultimately cause decay that places the tooth at risk if left untreated.

Composite Filling (Posterior)

This video shows you how a composite filling restores a damaged or decayed tooth to its natural strength and appearance.

Amalgam Filling (Posterior)

This video shows you how an amalgam filling, also known as a “silver” filling, restores a back tooth to its natural shape and function.

Recurrent Decay (Around a Restoration)

This video shows you how decay can reappear on a restored tooth and compromise the structure of the tooth all over again.

Repairing Posterior Tooth Decay with a Crown (Impression)

Progression of Decay

This video shows you how plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth can progress and ultimately cause decay that places the tooth at risk if left untreated.

Single Crown (Impression)

This video shows you how a crown restores a damaged tooth, using traditional dental impressions to create a custom-made restoration.

Repairing Posterior Tooth Decay with a Crown (CAD/CAM)

Progression of Decay

This video shows you how plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth can progress and ultimately cause decay that places the tooth at risk if left untreated.

Single Crown (CAD/CAM)

This video shows you how a crown, custom-made by CAD/CAM 3-D technology, restores a damaged tooth.

Repairing Tooth Decay with Root Canal and Crown

Progression of Decay

This video shows you how plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth can progress and ultimately cause decay that places the tooth at risk if left untreated.

Root Canal

This video shows you how root canal therapy can save a tooth with damaged or infected nerves and restore its natural function.

Single Crown (Impression)

This video shows you how a crown restores a damaged tooth, using traditional dental impressions to create a custom-made restoration.

Replacing Decayed Posterior Tooth with Implant (Healing Cap)

Progression of Decay

This video shows you how plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth can progress and ultimately cause decay that places the tooth at risk if left untreated.

Single Implant (Posterior- Healing Cap)

This video shows you how a dental implant substitutes the root structure of a missing rear tooth, along with the placement of a special healing cap to promote the best result for the final tooth replacement.

Cracked Tooth Repair with Crown (Impression)

Cracked Tooth

This video shows you the serious oral health consequences of an untreated cracked tooth.

Single Crown (Impression)

This video shows you how a crown restores a damaged tooth, using traditional dental impressions to create a custom-made restoration.

Cracked Tooth Repair with Crown (CAD/CAM)

Cracked Tooth

This video shows you the serious oral health consequences of an untreated cracked tooth.

Single Crown (CAD/CAM)

This video shows you how a crown, custom-made by CAD/CAM 3-D technology, restores a damaged tooth.

Missing Tooth Replacement with Bridge (Impression)

Single Tooth Loss

This video shows you how an empty space left behind from a lost tooth can alter the placement of the surrounding teeth and the function of your mouth.

Bridge (Impression)

This video shows you how a bridge replaces a missing tooth, using traditional dental impressions to create a custom-made restoration.

Missing Tooth Replacement with Bridge (CAD/CAM)

Single Tooth Loss

This video shows you how an empty space left behind from a lost tooth can alter the placement of the surrounding teeth and the function of your mouth.

Bridge (CAD/CAM)

This video shows you how a bridge replaces a missing tooth using CAD/CAM 3-D technology to create a custom-made restoration.

Missing Anterior Tooth Replacement with Implant (Immediate Load)

Single Tooth Loss

This video shows you how an empty space left behind from a lost tooth can alter the placement of the surrounding teeth and the function of your mouth.

Single Implant (Anterior- Immediate Load)

This video shows you how a dental implant replaces a missing front tooth and restores it to optimal function.

Missing Posterior Tooth Replacement with Implant (Healing Cap)

Single Tooth Loss

This video shows you how an empty space left behind from a lost tooth can alter the placement of the surrounding teeth and the function of your mouth.

Single Implant (Posterior- Healing Cap)

This video shows you how a dental implant substitutes the root structure of a missing rear tooth, along with the placement of a special healing cap to promote the best result for the final tooth replacement.

Missing Tooth Replacement Options

Single Tooth Loss

This video shows you how an empty space left behind from a lost tooth can alter the placement of the surrounding teeth and the function of your mouth.

Bridge Versus an Implant

This video shows you the differences between a bridge and a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, while reviewing the benefits and potential drawbacks of each.

Patient Information

Comprehensive Exam

This lobby video provides patients an understanding of what’s involved in a comprehensive exam.

Structure of a Tooth

This lobby video provides patients an overview of tooth structure.

Smile Design

This lobby video provides patients an overview of smile design and the understanding of a healthy smile.

Understanding TMD

This lobby video provides patients an understanding of TMJ and TMD.

Oral Hygiene

This lobby video provides an overview of good oral hygiene habits for patients.

Understanding Tooth Wear

This lobby video gives patients an understanding of how teeth wear

Cracked Teeth (No Instruments)

This lobby video provides patients with an overview of cracked teeth.


This lobby video provides patients an overview of occlusion.

Missing Teeth

This lobby video provides patients an understanding of missing teeth and tooth loss.

Healthy Gums

This lobby video provides patients an overview of what it means to have healthy gums.

Cracked Teeth

This lobby video provides an overview of cracked teeth and the instruments used to fix them.